当前位置:首页 > 男性 > 精子异常 > > 广泛表达单倍体偏倚基因有利于精子的自然选择


发布:2021-06-07 19:50 | 来源:健康日报网 | 查看:

摘要: 本期文章:《科学》:Online/在线发表 广泛表达单倍体偏倚基因实现精子水平的自然选择,这一成果由美国Ohana生物科学Robin C. Friedman研究小组经过不懈努力而取得。该研究于2021年1月14日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》杂志。 研究人员发现在许多哺乳动物中


广泛表达单倍体偏倚基因实现精子水平的自然选择,这一成果由美国Ohana生物科学Robin C. Friedman研究小组经过不懈努力而取得。该研究于2021年1月14日发表于国际学术期刊《科学》杂志。


研究人员表示,精子虽然是单倍体,但其在功能上必须等效这样才能在子代之间平均分配等位基因。 因此,精子通过细胞质桥共享基因产物,其消除了单个单倍体精子之间的表型差异。


Title: Widespread haploid-biased gene expression enables sperm-level natural selection

Author: Kunal Bhutani, Katherine Stansifer, Simina Ticau, Lazar Bojic, Alexandra-Chloé Villani, Joanna Slisz, Claudia M. Cremers, Christian Roy, Jerry Donovan, Brian Fiske, Robin C. Friedman

Issue&Volume: 2021/01/14

Abstract: Sperm are haploid, but must be functionally equivalent to distribute alleles equally among progeny. Accordingly, gene products are shared through spermatid cytoplasmic bridges which erase phenotypic differences between individual haploid sperm. Here, we show that a large class of mammalian genes are not completely shared across these bridges. We term these genes “genoinformative markers” (GIMs) and show that a subset can act as selfish genetic elements that spread alleles unevenly through murine, bovine, and human populations. We identify evolutionary pressure to avoid conflict between sperm and somatic function as GIMs are enriched for testis-specific gene expression, paralogs, and isoforms. Therefore, GIMs and sperm-level natural selection may help explain why testis gene expression patterns are an outlier relative to all other tissues.

DOI: 10.1126/science.abb1723

Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2021/01/13/science.abb1723


